Welcome !

Welcome Friends, Visitors,
You arrived by curiosity, chance, relation on this site devoted to photography. This blog wants to be simple, without claim, but with a desire of division.
Images published between 2003 and end 2010 were taken with a Canon Ixus 80 is and those taken after with a Lumix FZ 200/25–600. Since 2019, l also work with an Olympus OM-D / E-M5 lll / 12-200mm / 3.5 -6.5.
As I begin in creation website creation, that will be done gradually, as far as possible, with imperfections, gaps but I expect to you comments, appreciations whatever they are. It’ with all of this that I will grow by this passion which lives me.

Member of  the following sites :

  • Landscape Photography
  • Fine ‘ Art ‘ Photography
  • CAMERAFOX – INTERNATIONAL – CFI Official Compagny Group
  • Art Mazing
  • International  Photography Awards ( IPM)
  • Araki Hajime Photography
  • Faune Sauvage d’Europe
  • Voyages de Rêves

I make a point of thanking Cyrille without whom this website would not exist.
I hope you will find pleasure to navigate, to dream, as much as I have pleasure to share….
Have a nice journey!
Jacques Boyer

Foreign visitors to my blog, for which I thank you, I would like, I would like to be able to share between us more than a visit, also subscribe to the site so that we can converse in great cordiality.
Anyway, thank you very much to everyone who will take this step.
The first step is the one that matters most …. Regards


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